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Category: Beavers,Cubs,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 11:26 am

Beaver Scouts

There will no Beaver Scouts until after the holidays and the young people are back in school.

Cubs Friday 13th April

There will be no Cubs on Friday 6th April but we will be meeting over the holidays. On the 13th we shall be going over the farm for the evening weather permitting. Please ensure that all young people have adequate warm clothing.

Cub Camp

This year’s cub camp is being held on the 20th -22nd July at Islwyn Scout Park, further details to follow.


On the 13th April we shall be going over the farm and camping the Friday night and returning to the hall on Saturday morning.
The cost of the camp is £3 per person and each scout will need a  permission to camp form.

permission-to-camp April 2012

All Wales Scout Camp

The scouts will be attending the All Wales Scout Camp at the Royal Welsh Showground at Build wells over the weekend of  15th-17th June. The cost of the camp will be no more than £40 and further details can be obtained from the following link

Cub & Scout Activity Day

On the 11th May the cubs and scouts will be camping at the Daerwynno centre on the Friday evening and participating in the centre activities on the Saturday. Activities that will be undertaken will include canoeing and climbing a long with a range of other activities. The cost of this event will be £18 further details to follow.

permission-to-camp May 2012

Just to let you know, there is a recommended kit list form the in useful documents section.

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