At the Board of Trustees meeting on 26 June 2010, it was agreed that the annual membership fee would be raised slightly.
For 2011 the subscription will now be £20.25 with a 50p reduction to £19.75 for early payment.
Why the need for an increase?
The rise has been kept as low as possible and reflects the UK’s rise in inflation, as well as a means to invest more in the development of Scouting.
In the last three years this has included improved training and training materials, effective campaigning to prevent rises in water bills for local Scout Groups, continued delivery of Scouting magazine and all six section supplements, and providing more focused support for local Groups, Districts and Counties to grow Scouting.
This increase will ensure The Scout Association continues to provide the current level of member services and benefits.
What does that mean for local Scouting?
This subscription fee is the amount that local Scouting pays nationally for every member. Locally, Groups, Districts and Counties set their own subscription fee for their members to reflect their needs and facilities to help with the day-to-day running of Scouting.
Even with the slight increase, Scouting remains one of the most affordable extra curricular activities for young people today and we will ensure that it continues to be so in the future.
Original article can be found on the Scout website.