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Sticky: Beaver Scouts – farm visit

Category: Beavers,Events — rootadmin @ 7:06 am

Hi All,

We resume after the Easter holidays with a visit to the farm in Ynysbwl weather permitting. Each young person will require a warm jacket and suitable foootwear.

We will leave the hall at 6pm and be back at the hall no later than 8pm. If the weather is wet we will be in the hall at the usual time.



Sticky: Group Polo shirts

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Network,News,Parents — rootadmin @ 11:34 am

Do you want to stand out in a crowd, if so then you need one of the Groups Polo Shirts with our group name and Scout logo embroidered on the front.

Made from Polyester/Cotton these shirts are hard wearing and are ideal for wearing when out about on activities. Your son/daughter will also be able to ware them during the summer months to their weekly Colony, Pack and Troop nights

Shirt sizes are available in various sizes from 5-6 years up to XXL.

These exclusive shirts are not available in the shops and can only be purchased from 1st Pontygwaith Scout Group.

The polo shirts cost from £6 to £10, depending on the size.

For further information please see one of the Leaders.

Sticky: Easter Holidays 2009

Category: Beavers,Cubs,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 7:50 am


Please note the following the arrangements for the sections over the Easter School holidays.

Beavers Scouts.

The last night for Beaver Scouts is Wednesday 1st April and there will be no Beaver Scouts over the holidays. We will restart on Wednesday 22nd April and if the weather is good we will be visiting a local farm in Ynysbwl to see the new born lambs.

Your child will need a waterproof coat, warm cloths and a pair of wellies and if you require any further information please contact John on 07976623950

Cub Scouts.

There will no Cub Scouts on Good Friday (10th April ) but there will be Cubs Scouts the following week ( 17th April ) As the light nights are approaching can you please make sure that your son/daughter has a coat with them on a Friday evening as we like to make the most of the light nights and go out rather than stay in the hall.


There will no Scouts on Good Friday ( 10th April ) but there will be Cubs Scouts the following week ( 17th April ). As the light nights are approaching can you please make sure that your son/daughter has a coat with them on a Friday evening as we like to make the most of the light nights and go out rather than stay in the hall. 

St Georges Day Fnday – April 26th

This year for the first time the District will be holding a fun day prior to the service where all members of the movement will come together for the renewing their promises. This event is being held at the Rhondda Sports Centre in Ystrad and we would like every member of the Group to attend. Further details of the time will be provided nearer the time.

Beaver Scouts

Category: Beavers — rootadmin @ 9:57 pm

1st Pontygwaith Beaver scouts meet on a Wednesday evening, between 6.00pm and 7.00pm, at the Scout Hall in Park View, Tylorstown. Beaver Scouts are aged between 6 – 8 years old.

Beavers wear turquoise sweatshirts, long trousers and our Group scarf; Beaver Scouts play games, do various activities and go on visits.

They meet together once a week during term time in a Beaver Scout Colony. We currently have spaces for boys and girls aged between 6 -8 years old.

Beavers work towards various badges and these can be found on the Badges section on the Scout Association website.

For further details contact the Group by using the contact us link at the bottom of the page.

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