Looks like it has been snowing on the hills in South Wales (Daerwynno Outdoor Centre).
Not sure why they are covered in news papers…any ideas?
More photos are available on Facebbok.
August 7, 2013
Here are some photographs of the July camp in Dorset.
July 15, 2013
July 3, 2013
May 16, 2013
We are planning to camp over Daerwynno on the Friday evening and the scouts will need the usual camping equipment. There will be no cost for this event but John will need to know who will be going by Sunday.
This is a hike along the Brecon Canal over two days and we have also organised canoeing on the Saturday evening for those that can swim over 50m. The cost of this camp is £15 and I need to know who is attending by next Friday.
This camp will enable the scouts to gain their survival badge and this camp will be held in the middle of Glan Usk Estate in Brecon. There will be no charge for this camp even though this is costing £600 to stage as we are using an outside company that we have used in the past to provide the instructors. Please note there will be no toilet facilities available except in the wood and the menu will be interesting!!!!!
This camp is going ahead and will cost £90 per person for the 5 days. A deposit of £20 will be required by the 1st June. The full amount will need to be paid three weeks before we depart. If any parents want to pay weekly please speak to John. Further details of this camp will be put on the website.
Further details of these activities will appear in the website www.pontygwaithscouts.org.uk
Many thanks.
January 14, 2013
From John:
Can the leaders please pass these dates onto the other adults.
25th January – New Years party for the Cubs, leaving the hall 5.50pm cost £1.50
25th January – Scouts Night Hike to Daerwynno leaving at at 6.00pm cost £5.00 no jeans please.
15th February – Cubs/Scouts Sleep over in Daerwynno, cost £5
February 23rd – Cubs Five a side football at Ystrad Sports Centre, cost £1.50. we will require help with transport as we don’t have the minibus that day
June 15th – All Wales Cub Funday, Buth Wells cost to be confirmed.
June 22nd – 23rd Scouts Survial Camp, cost £10.
December 5, 2012
you are all invited to the family carol concert being held at Holy Trinity Church this Sunday (9th December) at 7.00pm.
Beavers Cubs and Scouts are requested to ware uniform.
November 5, 2012
We will be attending the annual Remembrance Day Service in Ynyshir on Sunday 11th November.
The young people will need to meet at the Bomb Pub at 10.15 in full uniform to include school trousers and black shoes.
For those Cubs and Scouts that attend the Service we will be arranging an afternoon activity for them , further details of the activity to follow shortly. Please note only those that attend the Service will be entitle to the afternoon activity.