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Category: Beavers,Cubs,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 11:26 am

Beaver Scouts

There will no Beaver Scouts until after the holidays and the young people are back in school.

Cubs Friday 13th April

There will be no Cubs on Friday 6th April but we will be meeting over the holidays. On the 13th we shall be going over the farm for the evening weather permitting. Please ensure that all young people have adequate warm clothing.

Cub Camp

This year’s cub camp is being held on the 20th -22nd July at Islwyn Scout Park, further details to follow.


On the 13th April we shall be going over the farm and camping the Friday night and returning to the hall on Saturday morning.
The cost of the camp is £3 per person and each scout will need a  permission to camp form.

permission-to-camp April 2012

All Wales Scout Camp

The scouts will be attending the All Wales Scout Camp at the Royal Welsh Showground at Build wells over the weekend of  15th-17th June. The cost of the camp will be no more than £40 and further details can be obtained from the following link

Cub & Scout Activity Day

On the 11th May the cubs and scouts will be camping at the Daerwynno centre on the Friday evening and participating in the centre activities on the Saturday. Activities that will be undertaken will include canoeing and climbing a long with a range of other activities. The cost of this event will be £18 further details to follow.

permission-to-camp May 2012

Just to let you know, there is a recommended kit list form the in useful documents section.

Meeting – Proposals for new Scout Hall

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Events,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 8:55 pm

You are cordially invited to come along to the First Pontygwaith Scout Hall on the evening of Monday 20th February where there will be an opportunity to talk to us about the plans for our proposed new Scout Hall.

You may already be aware the premises we currently occupy just off Park View has seen better days! Built in 1968 the hall is no longer able to meet neither our needs, nor those of the other groups that currently use the facility.

Our primary aim is to provide a better quality environment that enables us to develop our activities, reach out to more young people and, when we are not using the Hall, to provide a new high quality community facility.

You can come along at any time between 6.00pm and 7.30pm. Scout Leaders will be on hand together with representatives of the consultants that have helped us draw up the plans. The evening will be informal and light refreshments will be provided.

We would like to ask as many parents to attend as we need to demonstrate that we have the support of the parents in taking this project forward.

Thank you for your support.

Camp – Daerwnynno – Weekend 17-18th Feb 2012

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 8:44 pm

Please print off the attached form and bring it along with your child on Friday evening.

If you require any further information please feel free to contact John on 07976 623950


Credit Beating Scout Christmas Post

Category: Beavers,Cubs,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 6:38 pm

Once again the Rhondda Scouts are operating their post service where by they will deliver your Christmas cards any where in the the Rhondda Valleys.

For this year we have decided not to increase the price of stamps due to the credit crunch and stamps are priced at 15p per stamp.

Please look out for the yellow posters displayed in local shops and outlets display our posters.

Last posting date is mid day on the 3rd December.

Rhondda Scouts.

Plans for the future of the Scout Group

Category: Beavers,Cubs,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 10:31 pm

The Scout Hall

The Scout hall in the snow.

Please have a look at the home page for details of the plans for a new Scout Hall.

John Webber.

Toylander – Update 2

Category: Beavers,Cubs,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 9:21 pm

Toylander is progressing…see the photos.


Back to normal

Category: Beavers,Cubs,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 5:28 pm

Beavers, Cubs and Scouts back to normal from next week,


Toylander – Update 1

Category: Beavers,Cubs,News,Parents,Scouts — ScoutLeader @ 4:37 pm
Shows the base of the Toylander Landrover.
Hard at word building the Toylander.

Looks like the Cubs and Scouts have been buzy.

You can find more photographs on Facebook.

I asked John when it would be finished and he said it might take a while…

More to come…

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