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Boom! Boom!

Category: Beavers,Cubs,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 10:06 am

Apparently: All but one of the astronauts who walked on the Moon had been scouts…

Summer Holidays

Category: Beavers,Cubs,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 7:51 pm

Hi All,

The Beaver Scout section  has closed for the holidays and will recommemnce on the 7th September at 6.00pm.

Both Cubs and Scouts are meeting through the holidays, and depending on the activities all meetings will commence at 6.00pm.

It would be advisable check with the leaders prior to Friday as to what activities we will be doing.


What happened there?

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Explorers,Network,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 10:27 pm

The website has been off the air for a few days…not too sure why yet.

I have found the problem, but I have to figure out why it happened.

In the meantime I have turned the events calendar off, as this seems to be the problem.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


Photos of the archery night and our activity day at Daerwynon

Category: Beavers,Cubs,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 6:12 pm

Some photographs of the archery night and our activity day at Daerwynon have been uploaded to Facebook


June – Malvern Challenge

Category: Beavers,Cubs,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 5:50 pm

As previously menetioned we will beattending the Malvern Challenge in June and as yet I have only had two depoists as we need to book this I need a deposit of £20 (Total cost £40) asap to secure your childs place.

We need to book these places ASAP and if we dont book the places this may result in your child being unable to attend this camp.

Beaver Scout Farm Visit April 11

Category: Beavers,News,Parents — rootadmin @ 11:57 am

Here are some photographs of the Beavers visit to the farm.


Easter Scouts

Category: Beavers,Cubs,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 5:43 pm

There will be no Beavers for the next fortnight, and no Cubs or Scouts on Friday as its Good Friday.

The Leaders.

March – Dragon Award Camp

Category: Beavers,Cubs,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 9:00 pm

Jubilee Camp

March 2011, Dragon Award Camp: Jubilee Fields - Peterson Super Ely


John has uploaded some photographs of this months Dragon Award Camp, held at Jubilee Fields – Peterson Super Ely.

I hope the fox in one of the photographs was not BBQed…


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