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Kit list document updated.

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Events,Explorers,Network,News — rootadmin @ 6:23 am

The kit list document in the Useful documents” page has been updated.

2023 1st Pontywaith Scout Group Open Day

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Events,Explorers,Network,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 12:17 pm
1st Potygwaith Scout Group Open day Saturday 22nd July 2023 2pm to 5pm

Nearly Wild Show, Arts and Crafts, Fun and Games, Backwoods cooking, Table top pioneering, Design your own edible badge, refreshments, outdoor games and more…

Contact: John on 07976 623950

Christmas Post 2022

Category: Events,News,Parents,Uncategorized — rootadmin @ 8:09 pm

We are sorry to have to inform you that this years Scout Post has had to be cancelled. This is a result of us not having enough Groups to cover the whole of the Rhondda Valleys. The Scout Group in Treorchy did not restart afgter the pandemic and the local Guiides who have helped us for a number of years are unable to support us this year. This has left us with no Groups to sort and deliver cards from Gelli right up to Blaencwm and Blaenrhondda.

We will be trying our best to make sure that we have new arrangements in place for next year and if anyone would like to volunteer please free to contact us via or John on 07976 623 950

The exisiting Scout Groups in the Rhondda are looking to recruit new volunteers and if we can interest you in joining us and helping us to develop “Skills for Life” for our young people we would be more than interested in hearing from you via the above contact details.

“Virtuall” All Wales Scout Camp

Category: Cubs,Events,Explorers,Network,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 4:16 pm

Who says you can’t have just as much fun at home!?

We’re bringing AWSC to YOU!

Our VIRTUAL AWSC is happening on the 13th June 2020!

It’s FREE and open to ALL!

Join us on 13th June for online activities, a virtual campfire and a lot of fun! More info coming soon…

#AWSC2020 #VirtualAWSC

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Events,Explorers,Network,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 6:25 am
Dear all,
I’m writing to share critical pieces of information relating to the developing Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. This email follows my previous communications with volunteer managers over the past few weeks.

Late this afternoon, the Prime Minister has said that everyone in the UK should now avoid non-essential travel and contact with others.
Suspension of face-to-face activities Given this guidance, all face-to-face Scout meetings, activities and events must be suspended from tomorrow, Tuesday, 17 March 2020. This suspension applies to young people and adults, and will be until further notice.

We must continue to respond to the developing situation in a calm, measured and appropriate way. We will continue to follow official guidance. The safety of everyone involved in Scouts, both young people and adults, is our number one priority. That is always at the heart of our decision making.

Government advice The Government’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage is frequently updated as things develop, so please check it regularly at

Events Given the latest Government guidance, we are cancelling the following events:Day of Celebration at WindsorBeaver and Cub Fundays at Gilwell Park and Woodhouse ParkGilwell 24

We will be communicating to specific audiences about these event cancellations over the next week. We’d ask that you wait for this information to be sent out rather than contacting us immediately, due to the volume of enquiries we are currently receiving.

Event organisers If you or your team are involved in organising any future Scout events, you will now need to review these plans and risk assessments given this new guidance.

Jamborees and other large events If applicable, we suggest you regularly check the websites of relevant large-scale events, for example, Jamborees and camps, for specific updates from the organisers.
European Jamboree The organisers of the European Jamboree 2020 in Poland have shared this update and continue to add to their frequently asked questions on the changing situation here. If applicable, please continue to monitor these updates.

Scout trips abroad We asked the Government (the Department for Culture, Media and Sport) for clarity about youth groups travelling abroad, as the current advice only specifies school trips. We will let you know when we receive an update. As well as the Government Coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office website has the latest information, guidance and travel advice, along with details of any restrictions – which must be followed.

Travel insurance The Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation may have implications for your travel insurance. Check with your insurers directly about the levels of cover. If you have taken insurance through Unity, they have provided an update here.

Scout Information Centre The Scout Information Centre will only be able to deal with emails and web chat until further notice. As you can imagine, we are experiencing an unprecedented level of enquiries at the moment, so please use the Government guidance as your primary reference where possible.

Keeping you updated The Government have now committed to daily briefings. So we can keep you up to date, we have created a webpage: which we’ll update from tomorrow.

Doing our bit I think we all agree that it’s in challenging times like these, that our Scout values matter most. We are talking to the Government and other community organisations to see how Scouts can support our country during this crisis. We must make sure that we do this in the safest possible way, and don’t put anyone at further risk. We will update you more on this over the coming weeks.

Scouting at home We are planning to share activities for young people to do at home with their parents if families are faced with self-isolation. We will be communicating more about this soon.

Thank you As always, I want to say a big thank you for everything you do for Scouts. By checking and following the latest Government advice and by taking a calm and measured approach, we can continue to ensure that young people and adults stay safe.

Best wishes,
Tim Kidd
UK Chief CommissionerScouts

Christmas Post

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Events,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 10:19 pm

Don’t forget the Christmas post deadline – Saturday 7th December 2019

All Wales Scout Camp 2020

Category: Events,Explorers,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 10:42 am


Category: Beavers,Cubs,Events,Explorers,Network,News,Parents — rootadmin @ 11:17 pm

1st Pontywaith Scout Group Openday 19 May 2018

1st Pontywaith Scout Group Openday

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