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24th World Scout Jamboree – Evan is going!

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Events,Network,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 9:39 pm

Congratulations to Evan on being the only young person from RCT to be selected to attend the 24th World Scout Jamboree ( ) in the USA in two years’ time. Evan successfully attended the All Wales Selection Camp on the weekend and received notification of his place today.

Now the fundraising will begin and he has to raise over £3500 to attend the event, he has less than two years to raise the money and the Scout Group will be supporting him in his fundraising efforts.

If anyone has any fundraising ideas or would like to donate some money towards this once in a lifetime opportunity for Evan please feel free to contact John.

To kick start Evan’s fundraising we would like to run a bus trip to Bath on Saturday 9th December and if we can get 14 people to attend this would make the trip viable. The cost of the minibus would be £15 per person (contact John on 07976623950)

75th anniversary next year – or this year?

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Events,Explorers,Network,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 7:35 pm

1st Pontygwaith Scout Group celebrates their 75th anniversary next year and since 1966 there has been a totem Pole in the hall depicting some of the Groups history.

As far as we are aware the totem pole was actually a pit prop from the local mine and we would like to find out more about how the group came to have it and which mine it came from. We are also looking for a local artist that could help the scouts update the pole as there a number of events we would like to add to the pole.

Any help much appreciated.

We also have some vacancies in all sections for young people between the ages of 6-14 years of age and would also be interested in hearing from any adults who would like to volunteer.

Raft building at Daerwynno on Friday 1 st July.

Category: Events — rootadmin @ 10:40 pm

See this post for details.

Farm visit Thursday 31st May

Category: Events — rootadmin @ 9:35 pm

NOTE: return time is flexible, depends on the weather!

Cub Hike – Wednesday 17 th July

Category: Cubs,Events,News,Parents — rootadmin @ 8:16 pm

The Cub Hike is being held next Wednesday evening, weather permitting. The Cubs need to meet at the hall at 5.45pm and we should be back by 8.45pm at the latest.

They will need to bring the following items depending on the weather, Coat, drink, hat and sun screen, yellow polo shirt and necker.

Please note your son/daughter will need to bring £1.50 to cover the cost of the event.

Many thanks.


Rafting at Daerwynno – Friday 12th July

Category: Cubs,Events,Network,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 8:38 pm

We have arranged to take the cubs and scouts rafting at Darewynno and all the young people will need to be at the hall by 5.30pm.

You will need to ensure that your son/daughter has the following equipment.

  1. Shorts/t-shirt and old trainers for the rafting.
  2. Complete change of clothing, towel and a drink.

Cost £3 per person.

Please note that for your son/daughter to participate in this activity they will need to be able to swim 50m

Any problems please speak to one of the leaders.


Dorset Camp 23rd – 28th July

Category: Events — rootadmin @ 9:52 pm

This camp is going ahead, and will cost £90 per person for the 5 days.

A deposit of £20 will be required by the 1st June.

The full amount will need to be paid three weeks before we depart.

If any parents want to pay weekly please speak to John.

Further details of this camp will be put on the website.

Survival Camp 22nd – 23rd June

Category: Events — rootadmin @ 9:50 pm

This camp will enable the scouts to gain their survival badge and this camp will be held in the middle of Glan Usk Estate in Brecon.

There will be no charge for this camp even though this is costing £600 to stage as we are using an outside company that we have used in the past to provide the instructors.

Please note there will be no toilet facilities available except in the wood and the menu will be interesting!!!!!

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