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Night hike and camping – Llanwonno

Category: Cubs,Events,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 6:00 pm

Please find attached details of the kit list your son/daughter requires for the night hike on Friday (21/01/11), we will be meeting at the hall at 6.00 pm, returning Saturday lunchtime, exact time to be confirmed later.

We will be walking over to Llanwonno, and camping in the Outdoor Centre in the middle of the forest.

For further details please contact John.

Nights Away Form

Kit List For Night Hike

St Georges Day Fun Day

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Events,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 7:10 pm

This event is being held on Sunday 25th April at the Michael Sobell Sports Centre in Aberdare between 10am and 4pm.

Further details to follow after the Easter break.

Rhondda District Cubs Swimming Gala

Category: Cubs,Events — rootadmin @ 8:51 pm

The Gala is being held this Saturday (20th March), and we are meeting at the Hall at 12.30pm.

The event is open to swimmers and non swimmers as there are a number non swimming races for those that can not swim.

Uniform is required and the cost of the swimming is £1.50 per Cub.

We should be back at the hall by 4.15pm.

For further information please contact any of the Leaders.

Christmas party

Category: Events — rootadmin @ 10:46 am

There will be a Christmas party at the Scout hall.

More details and the times from John or Lynne.

We will then break for 2 weeks and return on the 8th January 2010 all rested and have eaten too much.

We hope this is of help to you in order to arrange your busy schedules up until the new year, once again we would be very grateful for any help during the Christmas post because if leaders are not stressed after the post all other events will be a lot more relaxed and enjoyable.

Many Thanks for your co-operation so far this year, happy Christmas,

John and Lynne.

Carol concert

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Events,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 10:43 am

We have a Carol concert at Tylorstown Church, all Beaver, Cubs and Scout  are asked to attend as they will be taking part and Santa visits.

All family members are welcome, it is a lovely way to start Christmas.

Check with John for the correct times.

Christmas Post

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Events,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 3:13 pm

December 4th,5th and 6th is our big weekend CHRISTMAS POST – this is the biggest weekend of the year for us and we usually sort and deliver approximately 16,000 cards, the money raised from this event cuts all costs during the scouting year therefore keeping your costs down and during the credit crunch EVERY LITTLE HELPS.

We ask that parents give some of their time, if only an hour or two on either one of the three days and/or by delivering your local area as leaders tend to shorten in height by at least 2inches during this time through all the walking they do.

No matter how little you can do or any family members  please see John with your availability and all help is very very gratefully received.

Rememrance Sunday

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Events,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 3:12 pm

REMEBRANCE SUNDAY an important event in the year, we will attend a march, church and a small buffet in the club in Ynyshir,. Beaver, Cubs and Scouts are asked to try and attend this event.

For those Cubs/ Scouts  who attend this event we will be arranging a trip in the afternoon and only those who attend the Remembrance Service will be allowed to go.

Check with John for the correct times.

Bonfire and fireworks

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Events,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 3:09 pm

Bonfire night, we will be having a bonfire, fire works and hotdogs at the farm in Ynysybwl. All Beaver, Cubs and Scouts and their families are welcome. If you would like directions to the farm ask either John or Lynne, if transport is difficult we will try and help.

Check with John for the correct times.

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