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Rafting at Daerwynno – Friday 12th July

Category: Cubs,Events,Network,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 8:38 pm

We have arranged to take the cubs and scouts rafting at Darewynno and all the young people will need to be at the hall by 5.30pm.

You will need to ensure that your son/daughter has the following equipment.

  1. Shorts/t-shirt and old trainers for the rafting.
  2. Complete change of clothing, towel and a drink.

Cost £3 per person.

Please note that for your son/daughter to participate in this activity they will need to be able to swim 50m

Any problems please speak to one of the leaders.


What happened there?

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Explorers,Network,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 10:27 pm

The website has been off the air for a few days…not too sure why yet.

I have found the problem, but I have to figure out why it happened.

In the meantime I have turned the events calendar off, as this seems to be the problem.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


(National) Membership subscription increase!

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Explorers,Network,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 7:48 am


At the Board of Trustees meeting on 26 June 2010, it was agreed that the annual membership fee would be raised slightly.

For 2011 the subscription will now be £20.25 with a 50p reduction to £19.75 for early payment.

Why the need for an increase?

The rise has been kept as low as possible and reflects the UK’s rise in inflation, as well as a means to invest more in the development of Scouting.

In the last three years this has included improved training and training materials, effective campaigning to prevent rises in water bills for local Scout Groups, continued delivery of Scouting magazine and all six section supplements, and providing more focused support for local Groups, Districts and Counties to grow Scouting.

This increase will ensure The Scout Association continues to provide the current level of member services and benefits.

What does that mean for local Scouting?

This subscription fee is the amount that local Scouting pays nationally for every member. Locally, Groups, Districts and Counties set their own subscription fee for their members to reflect their needs and facilities to help with the day-to-day running of Scouting.

Even with the slight increase, Scouting remains one of the most affordable extra curricular activities for young people today and we will ensure that it continues to be so in the future.

Original article can be found on the Scout website.

Easter 2010 Arrangements

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Network,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 7:52 pm

Easter Holidays

Please note the arrangements for Scouts over the Easter holidays

Beaver Scouts

There will be no Beaver Scouts during the holidays and we will resume after the holidays

Cub Scouts

There will be no Cubs on Good Friday but we will be having Cubs through the holidays and weather permitting we shall be going over the farm on the 9th April. Please contact the Leaders prior to this date in case the arrangements have changed.


There will be no Scouts on Good Friday but we will be having Scouts through the holidays and weather permitting we shall be going over the farm on the 9th April. Please contact the Leaders prior to this date in case the arrangements have changed.

Halloween and Climbing photographs.

Category: Cubs,Network,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 10:05 pm


John has added some photographs of the climbing event.

Nearly forgot, he also added some photographs of the Halloween party.


Halloween Party and Bonfire Night

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Explorers,Network,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 9:12 am


There will be a Halloween Party and Bonfire Night, dates to be announced.

Survival Camp August 2009

Category: Cubs,Explorers,Network,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 6:36 pm

Tasty bug omelette.

My brother (John Webber) told me about this today, and put me off my dinner.

Here are the photographs of the Survival Camp 2009.

I accidently ate a scorpian once, it was in a sweet lolly pop and I though it was not real!

Ian Webber.

Community Challenge Badge – Church Flower Beds

Category: Cubs,Explorers,Network,News,Scouts — rootadmin @ 7:32 pm

Some more photographs, this time of the Community Challenge Badge – Church Flower Beds.

There is a nice photo of John’s bald head!


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