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Sticky: Group Polo shirts

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Network,News,Parents — rootadmin @ 11:34 am

Do you want to stand out in a crowd, if so then you need one of the Groups Polo Shirts with our group name and Scout logo embroidered on the front.

Made from Polyester/Cotton these shirts are hard wearing and are ideal for wearing when out about on activities. Your son/daughter will also be able to ware them during the summer months to their weekly Colony, Pack and Troop nights

Shirt sizes are available in various sizes from 5-6 years up to XXL.

These exclusive shirts are not available in the shops and can only be purchased from 1st Pontygwaith Scout Group.

The polo shirts cost from £6 to £10, depending on the size.

For further information please see one of the Leaders.

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