There will be no Beavers for the next fortnight, and no Cubs or Scouts on Friday as its Good Friday.
The Leaders.
April 20, 2011
There will be no Beavers for the next fortnight, and no Cubs or Scouts on Friday as its Good Friday.
The Leaders.
April 12, 2011
The Brecon hike is being held in May and the cost of the camp is £25 and we need to know who is attending by the end of the month.
As previously menetioned we will be attending the Malvern Challenge in June, and as yet I have only had two deposits. As we need to book this I need a deposit of £20 (Total cost £40) asap to secure your childs place.
We need to book these places ASAP and if we dont book the places this may result in your child being unable to attend this camp
Any problems please feel free to give the leaders a call.
Aprils camp for the Dragon Award is being held on the 15th April at Nant-y-Coed Farm, we will be leaving the hall at 6.00pm on Friday, arriving back at 12.00 noon on the Saturday. The cost of the camp is three pounds and you will need to down load the permission to camp form, fill it in an bring it with you Friday.
March 30, 2011
John has uploaded some photographs of this months Dragon Award Camp, held at Jubilee Fields – Peterson Super Ely.
I hope the fox in one of the photographs was not BBQed…
January 24, 2011
January 18, 2011
Please find attached details of the kit list your son/daughter requires for the night hike on Friday (21/01/11), we will be meeting at the hall at 6.00 pm, returning Saturday lunchtime, exact time to be confirmed later.
We will be walking over to Llanwonno, and camping in the Outdoor Centre in the middle of the forest.
For further details please contact John.