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Happy New Year

Category: Beavers,Cubs,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 7:15 pm

Everything is back to normal from this week.

Meetings are at their usual times.

Happy New Year,



Category: Beavers,Cubs,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 5:52 pm

I have just created a Twitter account – so you will be able to Tweet and follow us soon…

Twitter username: scoutleaderpsg

London Weekend March 2011

Category: News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 9:59 pm

London Docklands

London Docklands

It is proposed to run a trip to the Docklands Scout Project which is based in the West India Dock Complex to the east side of London

The Centre offers the opportunity for the Scouts to participate in a number of different water activities on the Saturday, and then we have another activity on the Sunday morning before returning home in the afternoon.

The cost of the weekend is £80 which represents two nights accommodation, including packed lunches and evening meal on the Saturday.

The transport  costs and the cost of the Sunday morning activity will be meet by the Group.

More details, including the date to follow…


Beavers Farm visit April 2010

Category: Beavers,Parents — rootadmin @ 5:28 pm

Here are some photographs of the Beavers visiting the farm.

Start of another year!

Category: Beavers,Cubs,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 4:56 pm

Beaver Scouts

Please note that Beaver Scouts will resume on Wednesday 8th September at 6.00pm. The Beaver Scout Colony is currently full and if your son/daughter would like to join the Group, you will need to contact the Leaders to put their name on the waiting list. Once the next available place becomes available one of the Leaders from the Group will contact you.  If any prospective parents would like to volunteer to help with Beaver Scout Colony this will enable to make additional places available.

Cub Scouts

Cub Scouts will restart on Friday 3rd September at 6.00pm and all young people will be required to be in uniform as will be starting weekly inspections of their uniforms as we have been rather slap dash over the summer.


Scouts will restart on Friday 3rd September at 7.30pm and all young people will be required to be in uniform as will be starting weekly inspections of their uniforms as we have been rather slap dash over the summer.

(National) Membership subscription increase!

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Explorers,Network,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 7:48 am


At the Board of Trustees meeting on 26 June 2010, it was agreed that the annual membership fee would be raised slightly.

For 2011 the subscription will now be £20.25 with a 50p reduction to £19.75 for early payment.

Why the need for an increase?

The rise has been kept as low as possible and reflects the UK’s rise in inflation, as well as a means to invest more in the development of Scouting.

In the last three years this has included improved training and training materials, effective campaigning to prevent rises in water bills for local Scout Groups, continued delivery of Scouting magazine and all six section supplements, and providing more focused support for local Groups, Districts and Counties to grow Scouting.

This increase will ensure The Scout Association continues to provide the current level of member services and benefits.

What does that mean for local Scouting?

This subscription fee is the amount that local Scouting pays nationally for every member. Locally, Groups, Districts and Counties set their own subscription fee for their members to reflect their needs and facilities to help with the day-to-day running of Scouting.

Even with the slight increase, Scouting remains one of the most affordable extra curricular activities for young people today and we will ensure that it continues to be so in the future.

Original article can be found on the Scout website.

We’re back…at last!

Category: News,Parents — rootadmin @ 11:51 am

The website has been down for a number of weeks, due to problems with  Escouts who were hosting the website.

The website is now being hosted by another hosting company, so things should be OK from now on.


St Georges Day Fun Day

Category: Beavers,Cubs,Events,News,Parents,Scouts — rootadmin @ 7:10 pm

This event is being held on Sunday 25th April at the Michael Sobell Sports Centre in Aberdare between 10am and 4pm.

Further details to follow after the Easter break.

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