Rockets made out of old plastic bottles – looks like fun.
Hope they did not hit anyone – ouch!
September 29, 2016
Rockets made out of old plastic bottles – looks like fun.
Hope they did not hit anyone – ouch!
June 30, 2016
Raft building at Daerwynno on Friday 1 st July.
Complete change of clothes required including old shoes to wear in the water.
Cost £3 with the group paying the other £4 per person.
Leaving at 6pm.
All young people must be able to swim 50m.
May 4, 2016
Well, four exactly…but who’s counting…except me:
John W
I am pleased to announce that from 1st May 2016, RCT District has a new, permanent District Commissioner. Richard Flowerdew has agreed to take on the role and I know that you will all welcome this news.
Richard is passionate about furthering the success of Scouting in RCT District and I know that he will do all that he can to bring continuity and support to the Groups in the District. My thanks and congratulations go to Richard along with my best wishes.
Margaret Hopkin
Area Commissioner
March 29, 2016
The cubs and scouts will be going over the farm this Thursday (31st May).
Leaving the hall at 12 noon, not sure what time coming back depends on the weather.
Bring boots, waterproofs and warm clothes.
And don’t forget to bring food to cook on the camp fire.
Copied from Wendy Lewis’ Facebook post.
Caitlin came home last night to spend an evening with her Mammy (well see Tilly actually I think 😜) but I let her down badly. After tea we sat down to watch telly and 5 minutes in to the programme I was asleep. But I did have a genuine excuse. Camp with 8-10 year olds. ☹☹☹
My previous night. All in sleeping bags my 11.30pm (that’s good). 12 midnight. Two boys come down one is homesick love him. Settled him. Half hour later same two are back again. Then another one wants a water bottle filled. One of the first two come back to use the toilet FOUR times during the night. Another boy for the toilet then he returned 10 mins later to tell me there’s a rude word written on his bed aarrrgggg! By this time it’s 5am. Attempted to light the Aga for breakfast (unsuccessfully call myself a cub leader 🙁) oh I’d also been up 3 times to tell them to be quiet that was about 4am.
And then Scout Leader is knocking the door at 7.15 because it’s time to get up 😳.
James Evans slept through most of this 😜 and Ann Betteney on a pamper day for St Valentine’s Day 😏 and Jacob slept through it all Kelly. Despite all that I enjoyed myself.
Thanks for the invite John John Webber.