you are all invited to the family carol concert being held at Holy Trinity Church this Sunday (9th December) at 7.00pm.
Beavers Cubs and Scouts are requested to ware uniform.
December 5, 2012
you are all invited to the family carol concert being held at Holy Trinity Church this Sunday (9th December) at 7.00pm.
Beavers Cubs and Scouts are requested to ware uniform.
November 5, 2012
We will be attending the annual Remembrance Day Service in Ynyshir on Sunday 11th November.
The young people will need to meet at the Bomb Pub at 10.15 in full uniform to include school trousers and black shoes.
For those Cubs and Scouts that attend the Service we will be arranging an afternoon activity for them , further details of the activity to follow shortly. Please note only those that attend the Service will be entitle to the afternoon activity.
The Cubs and Scouts have been invited to Daerwynno to take part in the national dark skies festival and will be hosting an event on Monday Nov. 19th (times to be confirmed).
For information on other events see events listing and details.
There is no cost for this activity but there will be refreshments on sale that the young people can purchase.
Further details of times etc nearer the time.
October 12, 2012
If you wish to attend a camp a Halloween Camp at Daerwynno, 26th October 2012 to 27th October 2012, leaving the hall at 6.00pm we will be back at the Scout Hall on Saturday by 10.45am.
Cost of the camp is £5 payable ASAP
September 27, 2012
If any parents would be interested in helping construct the Toylander kit car we have please speak to one of the leaders for further details.
Thanks John
We are planning to spend the night for Halloween at Daerwynno Outdoor Centre.
The cost of camp will be £8 to cover the cost of the accommodation and food. We should then be home around 10am (times to be confirmed nearer the time)
Please let the leaders know by October 19th if you son/daughter would like to attend this event.
Please can you make sure that if any of your contact details change that you inform the leaders to ensure they have the correct details.
Failure to notify the leaders may result in them being unable to contact you in an emergency.
Thank you.
September 5, 2012
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts back to normal from this week: