Some frequently asked questions that may be of interest.
What time do Beavers meet?
answer: Wednesday evening between 6pm and 7pm.
What time do Cubs meet?
answer: Friday evening between 6pm and 7.30pm.
What time do Scouts meet?
answer:Friday evening between 7.30pm and 9.30pm.
Where can I buy Beaver, Cub or Scout Uniform from?
answer: Merlin Sports, Pontypridd http://www.merlin-sports.co.uk or online at the following websites,
- Glasgow Scout Shops http://www.glasgowscoutshop.com/
- Scout Shops Ltd http://www.scoutshops.com/
Badges and neckers are available from the Group.
How much does it cost?
answer: Please refer to individual websites.
Will my child be insured when on Scout activities?
answer: Yes. All Members are covered under our Personal Accident and Medical Expenses Policy.
Is Scouting a religious organisation?
answer: The Scout Association requires all Members to make the Promise – which includes ‘Duty to God’ or ‘to Love God’. However, the Association does not identify itself with any one religion; and is not directly and immediately concerned with the religious education of its Members. However, the Purpose of the Scout Association includes ‘to promote the spiritual potential of young people’. This responsibility is a fundamental part of the Association. More detail about the spiritual development areas of Scouting can be found at http://www.scoutbase.org.uk/ps/fab/intro.htm
Why does Scouting celebrate St George’s Day?
answer: Baden-Powell chose St George as the Patron Saint of Scouting and is a celebration of triumph over adversity. For further information see the factsheet fs295414
What does it cost per week?
See the subsctiptions page.
How can I find out what’s happening
Simple, check the ‘events‘ section.
What are the age ranges for each section?
Section Age range Beaver Scouts 6 – 8 Cub Scouts * 8 – 10½ Scouts * 10½ – 14 Explorer Scouts 14 – 18 Scout Network 18 – 25 * Normally about 10 years.
What does the icon
The icon means that the link is to an external or offsite link. You will only see this icon if your IE browser is more recent than IE6.
Any other questions not anwered here or on the website, please use the ‘contact us‘ link to send us an email.