What do subscriptions cover?
Capitation fees (which is paid to the Scout Association to cover insurance for your child while taking part in scouting activities). In addition to this we have to pay an annual levy to Mid Glamorgan Area Scout Council as well as the Welsh Scout Council. This year this amounts to £28.50 per member. Based on a young person paying their subscriptions for the year of £36.00 you can see that this does not leave much money to help pay with running of the Group.
We need to raise money to pay for the up keep of the building as well as replacing equipment when it becomes worn out. On average we need to raise £4000 per year to run the Group.
Current Cost of monthly subscriptions
The current cost of the monthly subscriptions is £3.00 per month payable on the first meeting of the month. Please make sure that you forward the money to one of the Leaders. If you have any problem with any payments please discuss it with your son/daughters section leader as we believe that all young people should be able to participate in our activities regardless of their financial backgrounds.